If you are in the neighborhood, here are a few things we can always use:
Please deliver donations during regular classroom hours (Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.) and our greeter will gladly accept them!
Would you rather have one of our team members pick up needed supplies on your behalf? You can send a donation through one of the options below and we will put the money where it is most needed, including larger items like computers or new curriculum.
Are you passionate about helping kids be successful? Your monthly donation will help us meet our mission, keep lessons current and engaging, and provide our students with the resources they need to grow.
Please select the 'make this a monthly donation' box when pledging.
Your generous donation will enable us to meet our goals and mission, helping kids become successful community members of the future.
Prefer donating via Zelle? We got you covered! Please use our U.S.-based nonprofit email, klcarenal@gmail.com (Zelle account name: KIDS LEARNING COMMUNITY).
Nonprofit NV20171069041 | EIN 814962590
Copyright © 2024 Kids Learning Community - Todos los derechos reservados.